fen Dairl

Clan of Battanian Companion, the Ragged


A clan in Battania mentioned in the wanderer_strings.XML and the companion_strings.XML files. This clan is said to have good fighters according to Ferionn the Ragged. This dialogue is scrapped from 'the Ragged' companion. Previously apart of the Wolfskins of Battania until he killed Deimul fen Gruffendoc, a cousin of Caladog, after he was insulted. Since then he'd been on the lam, running from the wrath of Deimul's family hiding out in the hills and forests with only wolves to socialize with. From the companion_strings.XML file we learn his name is Ferionn.

wanderer strings

Clan Members

Ferionn (the Ragged)


father of wolf skin


maybe more

unknown person

unknown person

unknown person

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