fen Aedeg

Clan of Fairhair and Cynan the Brave

fen aedeg

A clan in Battania mentioned by the companion with the last name 'Fairhair'. The fen Aedeg is a clan that was made up of 3 known people, the companion 'Fairhair', his mother, and Cynan fen Aedeg, their father.

Fairhair starts his story with "you may have heard of my father [...]" implying his late-father to have been famous. Considering his father's nickname 'Cynan the Brave' it can be assumed that Cynan did something daring. However Cynan died when 'Fairhair' was just a baby and so his mother re-married. Cynan step-father is not so famous and is even cruel. He attempts to have 'Fairhair' killed.

It is said that 'Fairhair's' step-father owned lots of land, owned cows, and also that they lived near a ford (a shallow river or stream). It can be assumed 'Fairhair' lived at or near Ismilkorg, a Sturgian village just outside of Uthelaim Castle.

Ismilkorg is just barely outside of Battania territory, they raises cows, they live near a stream, and the land is open and vast.

Cynan fen Aedeg (the Brave)


[companion name] Fairhair


Fairhair's mother


Fairhair's step-father

unknown person

unknown person

unknown person

unknown person

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