
'Prince of Horsethiefs' self-proclaimed.

This companion hails from Battania and in his companion_strings.XML files he's called Cadugan.

So while his appearance is randomized, his name could be considered canon as Cadugan Horsethief.

Between the game, and the two .XML files (companion and wanderer) he's a proud horse thief.

horsethief 1

Companion Story

A connoisseur of horseflesh. No one knows horses better than Cadugan. The best horses, he said, are often wasted on unworthy owners so Cadugan aimed to rectify this.

Raised a stable-boy, Cadugan would break young stallions as a boy. (Probably at either Seonon or Car Banseth). His skills of breaking horses were so useful that the old lord promised him that on his 15th birthday he shall have a horse of his own.

But the old lord died and his heir only laughed at Cadugan on his birthday. Stating a fine horse would be wasted on him; maybe he'd like a goat instead. So that night Cadugan took the best horse in the stable and rode off. Beginning Cadugan's transformation from stableboy to Cadugan 'Prince of Horsethieves'.

Cadugan has been robbed every faction of their mounts. The Aserai, the Vlandians, the Imperials, and the Khuzaits. But it's risky work so he takes other kinds of jobs as well.

In Summary

"I am a horsethief. I come from a region where to be a horsethief is an honorable profession, and I am very good at it. But it is dangerous work, as owners can be vindictive people, and I am seeking safer work - as a mercenary, perhaps."


trait 0001 generoustrait 0002 devious

Cut Content and Dialogue

The two files companion_strings.XML and wanderer_strings.XML are pretty different. 

For instance when we meet Cadugan he's celebrating his 100th steal and he can't stand to be around the glum and sober. Another change would be that the old lord that Cadugan worked for as a boy was Melidir, head of fen Uvain, and it's the stablemaster who denies him. Saying that every horse was just given to the son of Melidir, that being either Culharn or Tegan. Culharn is older at 27 years old where as Tegan is 18 at the start of the game, it's more likely that Culharn was the one Melidir was rewarding. Additionally Cadugan's age isn't mentioned in this document, only that if he worked for Melidir for three years he'd get a pick of the herd.

Cadugan goes on to say that, in turn for their trick, he clubbed the groom and took their finest horse. Neither Culharn or Tegan are married so maybe one was originally planned to be. In any event, Cadugan is open for hire as he recognizes he can't get away with it forever so he's now looking for more honest work.


horsethief 1 0000 2023 04 19 15.00.07

horsethief 1 0001 2023 04 19 15.01.12

horsethief 1 0002 2023 04 19 15.03.20

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