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Earnest Son

This character is part of fen Uvain of Battania. He is the youngest son of Melidir and Alcaea and the brother of Culharn, Wythuin, and Eilidh.


trait 0003 honesttrait 0001 impulsive

The lords.XML file also says this character has an earnest voice.

In the voice_strings.XML file it states Earnest - extrovert, agreeable - These characters present themselves or herself enthusiastically. They are friendly, perhaps overfriendly. Enthusiastic, can be bombastic or boastful. An upperwest_male_earnest could be a gallant knight, or a Colonel Blimp type, depending on how he chooses his words. Some, males in particular, may choose only to be agreeable to social equals and superiors. In women from traditional cultures, this is usually someone acting maternal

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