gawen 0000 2023 04 13 14.13.49gawen 0001 2023 04 13 14.13.54Gawen

Daughter of Aeron

This character is part of the fen Giall of Battania. Her parents are Liasin and Aeron.

Siaramus' relation to fen Giall is not known - family / adoption / reward - it is unknown. Probably just a cousin of Aeron.



The lords.XML file it says this character has a curt voice.

In the voice_strings.XML file it states that Curt - introvert, not agreeable - Gruff. Words may be nice, but the voice usually suggests disinterest in other people. Suggests the person is easily angered. Male aristocrats, having their own natural authority, can get away with being unexpressive. curt women and commoners often give the impression of being on the edge of an angry outburst.
Hind, wife of Sufyan
Stoic (?)
Main centurion in Rome

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