3 0009 2023 03 31 12.40.12Siaramus

Cousin of Aeron - Calculating, Wellington Type

This character is part of the fen Giall of Battania. Siaramus' relation to fen Giall is not known - family / adoption / reward - it is unknown. Probably just a cousin of Aeron.


trait 0005 calculating

In the lords.XML her character his this note attached "Siaramus. Calculating. Wellington type".

Not 100% sure what 'wellington type' means. I'm no historian or expert on Pictish, Irish, and Welsh history but based off a very basic google search there was a Dublin born duke named Arthur Wellesley 1st Duke of Wellington who was quote: "more famous as a soldier than as a politician" the guy beat Napoleon Bonaparte and became famous. As a general, he was renowned for his stunning defensive skills, google says.

Despite this information, this may not be what is meant by "wellington type" as his political trait is set to 12 which is not bad at all. So, leave a comment if you think you know what this means. "Wellington type".

Contrary to what it says above his voice is softspoken.

In the voice_strings.XML file it states Softspoken - introvert, agreeable - Calm, friendly, does not use too many words. Can be friendly, shy, or sinister. In women, represents someone coming across as shy and maidenlike. In commoners, comes across as UnderCommand 

Meanwhile, Wellington in "Napoleon" is cited as an inspiration or baseline for the Ironic voice - not the softspoken one.

siaramus 13 0010 2023 03 31 12.40.01

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