the luckythe Lucky

Gallant Sturgian Warrior - Saving Up for Great Voyage

This companion hails from Sturgia.

Companion Story

In his father's last battle, his father's hamstring was cut and now - in old age - he and the Lucky's mother are enjoying old age. The Lucky feels it's his time to bring home great fortune, just as his father had. But he doesn't wish to take the silver his father earned and rob him, his mother and brothers of the wealth they have. Instead he wishes to earn his own through his own work. He wishes to buy a ship and a crew to man it so he may go away to far away shores to bring home his own wealth - through the way of silver and salves. He's out for hire.

In Summary

"My father sent me off into the world, to build our fortune with my sword. This is a common story among the sons of our people."

Digging in the Files

Source Text
spspecialcharacters.XML <!--enterprising young would-be raider, wants to do his father proud -->
wanderer_strings.XML <!-- gallant warrior backstory -->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=RObjObjy}Certainly - I make no secret of my ambitions." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=NKLS5mN1}My father was one of the leading warriors of our clan, but in his last battle his hamstring was cut. We've lived well off the wealth he brought home from his raids, buying land and thralls, but now I feel it's time that I bring home some silver of my own." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=jaLrENzo}I need to buy a ship, and hire men to row it. But I do not wish to sell our land to outfit a risky voyage, to risk depriving my father and mother of their comforts in old age, and my brothers of their hopes for a good marriage." />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=TxwPTwvh}So I have resolved to hire out my sword and make enough money for such a ship. Having done so, I shall take it to faraway shores and bring home silver and slaves so that we may buy land enough for all. In this way I will do my duty to my family." />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=3QxjeC94}You are a most dutiful son and brother." />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=nqLiWPR7}Such pieties from a man who intends to pillage the labor of others." />
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=3W1H83WZ}At any rate, if you know the leader of warband who's generous and honorable, he'll find no braver warrior to follow him than me." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_sturgia_2" text="{=QJCieDQ9}My father sent me off into the world, to build our fortune with my sword. This is a common story among the sons of our people." />

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