leopardessthe Leopardess

Former Pickpocket and Street Urchin - Looking for Hire - Former Jawwal

I had no father, see. None that I knew. There are scores of us in every town, begging and stealing and working for the gangs. But I was always the type of girl who wanted something more, and I got ahold of this sword, you see, and now I intend to turn other people's blood into silver.

This companion is part of the Aserai.


  <!-- female alley urchin -->
<NPCCharacter id="spc_wanderer_aserai_9" name="{=NWuGUi4p}{FIRSTNAME} the Leopardess" voice="ironic" age="22" is_female="true" default_group="Infantry" is_template="true" is_hero="false" culture="Culture.aserai" occupation="Wanderer">

<!-- aserai wanderer 10 is jawwal-->

(wanderer stops at 10 - but includes 0 - therefore including zero means she would be the 10th wanderer)


<!-- female alley urchin-->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=CE8we5VF}Oh, I'll tell you my story. I don't mind who knows." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=OcCLz4je}When I was a child, my mother sent me out on the streets to beg and pick pockets. And the big man of our quarter took a cut of that. I got a little older and my mother taught me how to rob drunken travellers, and the big man took a cut of that." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=NDR2Xcoq}But you see, for a big man, it's not all sitting in the shade and counting your money. A big man must beat and he must kill, or people will not fear you. And one day, as I watched, he beat my mother to death over the share of his cut." />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=G7ZQb9tQ}Now some would say I should have avenged my mother. But there was a wrinkle, you see - we didn't talk about it much, but he was my father, as he was the father of so many other children of our alley. So I fled our town, and now work here, using the skills my dear parents taught me." />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=qxBbhtLH}Perhaps you can rise above the sorry circumstances of your birth." />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=pKMVhx2v}They never cease to shock me, the sordid tales you hear from the dregs of the alleys." />
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=x6acpIw7}So... Anyway, if you've got an enterprise or two that might not be entirely legal, and need a sharp eye on the villains you've got running it, you may find that my skills are of use to you." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_aserai_9" text="{=bRE8iZqE}I had no father, see. None that I knew. There are scores of us in every town, begging and stealing and working for the gangs. But I was always the type of girl who wanted something more, and I got ahold of this sword, you see, and now I intend to turn other people's blood into silver." />

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