the fishthe Fish

Irritable Former Farmer Now Mercenary

This companion hails from Sturgia.

Companion Story

The Fish was a farmer - then one day he killed a neighbor over a fence dispute. Two cousins of the dead neighbor came to the Fish. He was going to pay a blood-money but one put their hands on him and the Fish flew into a blind rage. Before he knew it they were dead as well. He couldn't pay three blood-payments so he fled. Now he's a mercenary. 

In Summary

"I was a farmer once. I killed a man in a fight and could not pay the blood money, so I had to flee. It's a common enough tale in the northlands. I accept that my destiny will be blood and hardship, rather than the simple life on the land I once craved."

Digging in the Files

Source Text
wanderer_strings.XML <!-- outlaw backstory, easily angered -->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=1Slubhxc}It's not many who ask that question." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=Csokpo5C}I was a farmer. But I split a man's head open with a hoe. He was also a farmer. It was a dispute over a broken fence, between my pasture and his. I had no intention of killing him." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=JLHhV1ta}His cousins came for me, to take me to judgment. I would have gone willingly; I would have paid blood-money. Gladly. But one of them laid hands on me, and a black rage came over me, and I killed two of them, too. I didn't want to kill them either. " />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=W2Jhsc2X}That was that. I could pay blood money for one man but not three. I fled. I cannot return." />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=zX3hVUKI}It sounds like you had no choice." />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=K9ig7Mst}A man who cannot master his rage is a greater threat then the man who murders with intent." />
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=1gXv1YlG}If the choice I had been mine, I would have never hurt anyone. I would live on my land, eat what I had grown, marry and have children. But the Heavens have decreed that I should eat by shedding other men's blood. In the city, rich men pay me well for that." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_sturgia_4" text="{=b1Ucozvw}I was a farmer once. I killed a man in a fight and could not pay the blood money, so I had to flee. It's a common enough tale in the northlands. I accept that my destiny will be blood and hardship, rather than the simple life on the land I once craved." />
<!-- add nemesis - rural clan, family of slain -->

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