engineerthe Engineer

Studied to be a Judge - Ended up as an Engineer - Former Ghilman

My father was a judge, and as such, I was educated to be a judge. That is usually the case with us. But I was always better at mathematics than letters. So I took mercenary work, making catapults. My father cast me out of his home in disgust. He once told me that the greatest privilege on earth is to dispense justice, but he will never know the joy of firing a mine and seeing the walls of a tyrannical baron or cruel archon crumble, so what does he know?

This companion is part of the Aserai.


<NPCCharacter id="spc_wanderer_aserai_10" name="{=ACqta1a5}{FIRSTNAME} the Engineer" voice="ironic" age="26" default_group="Infantry" is_template="true" is_hero="false" culture="Culture.aserai" occupation="Wanderer">

<!-- aserai wanderer 11 is ghilman-->

(wanderer count stops at 10 - but includes 0 - therefore including zero means he would be the 11th wanderer)


<!-- pre-islamic arabia, was supposed to be scholar, became engineer -->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=rgSWtZ0w}I'll tell you my story. I suppose it is a fine lesson in how destiny makes mock of our intentions." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=ZSaGzgmN}My father was a judge, and I had intended to study the legal rulings of the past, so I could follow in his footsteps. But when I went to study, my master told me that only two kinds of scholars were needed these days: those who knew how to build and knock down walls, and those who knew how to stem the epidemics that spread from unburied bodies." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=cyjb9lmm}I had no talent for medicine, it turned out, so I chose to be an engineer. I had one final flight of folly - a local academy was crumbling, so I submitted a sketch for a new one to the emir. He laughed and told me to come back with a schematic of siege engines. " />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=PKzUUVKC}So go on - ask me how thick a mangonel's struts must be to withstand the torsion to throw a five-istar ball. Ask me how heavy a ram's head must be, compared to its total weight, so that it does not rebound from the gate and strike the men who wield it. I never imagined I would know such things, when I dreamed of making men's lives better through the dispensing of justice." />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=gMiceyRl}Well, some day there may be peace, and money to build again." />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=KrXlrnsg}The quarries are hiring. You could always haul rocks for a living, if you're so averse to launching them." />
<!-- Truly, there is no greater tragedy in this world than a scholar having to do work he thinks beneath him -->
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=XKsjweaA}Unfortunately, I've found that siegework pays irregularly. My contracts are usually honored if the city falls and is looted. But if dysentery breaks out in the siege camp and the army must march away, well, you may find that you submit your receipts in vain." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_aserai_10" text="{=wQRSM1lz}My father was a judge, and as such, I was educated to be a judge. That is usually the case with us. But I was always better at mathematics than letters. So I took mercenary work, making catapults. My father cast me out of his home in disgust. He once told me that the greatest privilege on earth is to dispense justice, but he will never know the joy of firing a mine and seeing the walls of a tyrannical baron or cruel archon crumble, so what does he know?" />

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