the boarclan


the Boar

Imperial Legionary for 20 Years Before Arenicos' Reforms Disbanded Them

I'm a soldier of the imperial legions. How we came to this sorry state is a sad tale that you've no doubt heard already from my comrades. But I'm sure you're familiar with our mettle in battle, and our skill at turning youths into soldiers.

This companion is part of the Empire, Northern Empire, Western Empire, and Southern Empire.

Digging in the Files

Source(s) Text
spspecialcharacters.XML <!-- Die-hard legionary -->
wanderer_strings.XML <!-- the boar -->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=B3UQTCRE}Refill my glass and I'll tell you." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=H7tFXLVN}I'm a soldier by trade. I've served in the empire's legions for 20 years. Once upon a time they were worthy of being called 'legions.' We served together for years, and we'd die rather than see our standards falter or fall." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=DzyAgYIX}But Drosios Neretzes led the pick of the legions into an ambush in the Battanian woods. You may have heard that story. I was laid up sick at the time. But a lot of my comrades didn't come back, and things were never the same afterward." />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=6OF0vjQV}After Arenicos's so-called reforms, they try to maintain an army on the cheap, letting the rich run the show out of their own pocket. No wonder the whole thing's collapsed into a bunch of squabbling factions and we're mocked by the barbarians we used to rule." />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=0SnKUaex}No doubt a sad state of affairs. So what do you do?" />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=WQCAanal}Ah, the old days. And no doubt back then they complained about the older days. I've heard enough." />
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=yx5yqDby}Well, I can't just sit around and drink myself to death, so I sell my sword to anyone worth following. I'm a good trainer - I don't bother with horsemen or archers, but if you've got good steady footmen I can do a lot with them. I know a bit about siege machinery too." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_empire_3" text="{=GLXrkZbW}I'm a soldier of the imperial legions. How we came to this sorry state is a sad tale that you've no doubt heard already from my comrades. But I'm sure you're familiar with our mettle in battle, and our skill at turning youths into soldiers." />

<!-- companion #1, Osarios
Perk: Training bonus for infantry

text="{=DLcjTWn7}Aye?" />
text="{=9w5W46E9}Greetings. I'm looking for warriors, and you look like you might fit the bill." />
text="{=D33fIGQe}Never mind." />
text="{=mk0l1BfB}You might say that. I've served in the empire's legions for two decades. Once upon a time they were worthy of being called 'legions.' We served together for years, the same group of men under a single standard, and we'd die rather than see those standards falter or fall. But Drosios Neretzes led the last of the real legions into an ambush in the Battanian woods. You may have heard that story." />
text="{=rNkwrwo4}I blame Arenicos and his so-called reforms. It saved him silver, but now our armies are just blown-up lords' retinues - toadies, farmers who have no business on the battlefield, a few good men but not enough. There's no pride and no discipline. No wonder that we're squabbling among ourselves these days, being mocked by the barbarians we used to rule. " />
text="{=T8egZl6T}Yes. Please continue." />
text="{=WQCAanal}Ah, the old days. And no doubt back then they complained about the older days. I've heard enough." />
text="{=4dJ0KhjB}But maybe it's for the best. Whoever wins this war will at least be a worth leader of men.... Are you're looking for swords to hire? I'm bored and I'm ready to jump into the game again, and I doubt my wife will miss me much. " />
text="{=NLLnv7WH}I've been around and about. I'm still bored. I'm still drinking more than I should. " />
text="{=37gFwKgg}I have a band of fighters, and I could use a man with some experience." />
text="{=IEO3gvnz}...." />
text="{=jIC9xW8W}That's good to hear. Naturally I expect to be compensated in silver for my blood and sweat." />
text="{=n3IEXAGH}In return for that, I promise to do my best to whip whatever sorry rabble you recruit into soldiers. I don't bother with horsemen and I don't bother with bowmen. But give me footmen with a bit of guts, and I'll teach them to stand together in a rock-solid formation that will break any charge you care to throw at it." />
text="{=7qfZbVii}I think I could use a man like you." />
text="{=RZZXKFvd}Actually, I'm more interested in skirmishers." />
text="{=EQSc8FxA}Splendid - about the money. Shall we say an advance of {NPCPAYMENT}{GOLD_ICON}? That's enough for me to know you're serious." />
text="{=IcBPLx2R}Very well, here's {NPCPAYMENT}{GOLD_ICON}." />

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