3 0000 2023 03 31 13.04.513 0015 2023 03 31 13.04.57Taorse

Daughter of Carfyd

This character is part of fen Eingal of Battania. Taorse is the daughter of Carfyd and Beathag.

Carfyd or Beathag's relation to fen Eingal is unknown - probably one is a cousin. Interestingly though, Carfyd and Beathag both share the same face and body ID - only their sex is changed. Brother and sister perhaps? 


trait 0003 honest

The lords.XML file also says this character has a softspoken voice.

In the voice_strings.XML file it states Softspoken - introvert, agreeable - Calm, friendly, does not use too many words. Can be friendly, shy, or sinister. In women, represents someone coming across as shy and maidenlike. In commoners, comes across as UnderCommand 

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