
hidden hand [upscaled]

Hidden Hand

"Hidden Ones" Brigand Mafia, they Dominate Rural Areas - Ties to Varros

Tier 3, Mafia

The Hidden Hand are a mafia who dominate the rural areas, and sometimes the towns, of the southern parts of the Empire. They thrive by making themselves useful to authorities: repressing unrest, silencing troublesome preachers, and robbing from merchants who compete with their patrons. Many of them go back and forth between a respectable life in the towns and a criminal life in countryside. A member of the Hand might spend two or three months a year in the hills as a brigand, then return to town to work as an enforcer and a ”trader” in stolen goods, knowing full well that no one will ask him too many questions.

Ties to Western Imperial house, Varros. This minor clan is part of the Empire, Northern Empire, Western Empire, and Southern Empire.

Digging in the Files

Source(s) Text
spspecialcharacters.XML <!-- hidden ones -->
comment_strings.XML <string id="str_comment_special_clan_intro_hidden_hand.default" text="{=48g7K7Zi}When you walk these roads, my friend, know that nothing escapes the notice of the Hidden Hand. Lords and emperors come and go, but we remain.">

 hidden hand 0005 2023 07 08 21.27.07

hidden hand 0004 2023 07 08 21.28.02

hidden hand 0003 2023 07 08 21.25.32

hidden hand 0002 2023 07 08 21.42.40

hidden hand 0001 2023 07 08 21.44.13

hidden hand 0000 2023 07 08 21.46.49

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