strugia art 0010 layer 0 copy 5Gundaroving

Ruling Clan - Centralizing Sturgia's Power

0 0003 gundaroving logo

Clan Tier 6 - denars310,000 Annual Salary

Gundaroving is, at the start of the game, the rulling clan of Sturgia

The current Grand Prince of Sturgia is Raganvad. Harsh and uncompromising, he believes that it is the right of the prince to command the boyars in all things, not just in making war. For the time being they obey him, not least for his ability to call on the kinsmen of his mother, a Nordic princess with ties to the fearsome Skolderbroda mercenary company.

Clan Members

Missing Members?

A character or two may be missing in these clan pages. This is because they are "shadow characters" exact copies of pre-existing characters with only their age changed. Moreover, these characters do not have any friends or enemies - as well as exist in any .XML files. Shadow characters:



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Varcheg, Balgard


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