
flame [upscaled]

Embers of the Flame

"Vow Keepers" - Religious Sect of Zealots

Tier 3, Religious Sect

The Embers of the Flame are the descendants of a rebel movement that rose up nearly a century ago, after the saintly but ineffective teenaged Emperor Darusos was toppled by one of his generals. They claim that they are preparing the way for Heaven to bring back Darusos and usher in a golden age, but like so many other rebel movements in Calradia they have been forced to turn to extortion to survive.

This minor clan is part of the Empire, Northern Empire, Western Empire, and Southern Empire.

Digging in the Files

 Source(s)  Text
spspecialcharacters.XML   <!-- vow keepers -->
comment_strings.XML <string id="str_comment_special_clan_intro_embers_of_flame.default" text="{=iOnsulPb}You may have heard of us. Men call us the Embers of the Flame. Generations ago, Heaven instructed us to prepare for a great cleansing of the land. Until that day, we smolder in silence. But when that day comes, our righteous wrath shall burn forth.">
companion_strings.XML <!-- companion #5, Boscoric, ex-member of the Embers
Perk, herbalism

text="{=awCIaqxG}Ho there. Will you join me in a cup of ale?" />
text="{=qrfeidLk}Very well. Here's to your health." />
text="{=C6GmacOA}I am otherwise occupied, sir." />
text="{=8O8jU9Jp}And to your health, both physical and spiritual! And always remember - spiritual health comes only from repentence, and for that you have need of something to repent." />
text="{=gI4xkaaR}I'll grant that's a bit of a heretical notion to the imperial priesthood, but then I was raised a heretic. Perhaps you've heard of the Embers of the Flame? Well, I was born into the retinue of a Perfect, back when the Embers were blazing fire and we wandered the countryside preaching faith and rebellion." />
text="{=TGYJUUn0}Go on." />
text="{=fpQnbafH}This conversation got rather dangerous rather quickly." />
text="{=FkhUMTpJ}I reckon I had a gift for a sermon. We'd wander into a village and I'd cut loose with a speech that would have the villagers selling their lands and joining us on our endless pilgrimage. But you know, I suppose the Perfect got a little jealous, started accusing me of deadly error here and the sin of pride there..." />
text="{=QNVJgFbF}It got tiresome, I can tell you, being accused of heresy by a heretic while living on donations by day and hiding in the hedgerows at night lest the local nobility got tired of us coaxing their tenants into holy poverty. I told the Perfect I wished to bring our message to the towns, and he gave me leave to come here, but I reckon I've gone a little bit astray." />
text="{=igGhbdFj}The Heavens lead us where they will. And how do you make your living?" />
text="{=eUkVaqJN}A colorful life, I suppose, but of little interest to me. Good day to you." />
text="{=i53bBgar}So, then... I've had odd jobs for the past few years. Mostly I stand in marketplaces shouting out the virtues of this one's saddles or that one's melons..." />
text="{=on8y3fa6}But suppose I found an ambitious young captain - perhaps someone like your good self, someone who needed to sway a crowd or inspire soldiers at some point. I reckon I could travel with that captain - sharing all the battles and hardships of the road, of course - and perhaps teach them a bit of what I know." />
text="{=5E6L8WcA}I might be able to hire someone like that." />
text="{=LcihqCpu}My apologies, but that is not of interest to me." />
text="{=Gyslal3Y}Splendid! Ah, but before I sign on... A few of the girls working in this tavern... Well, on the off-chance I've left one or two of them with child, I should leave a bit of coin with them before I go. {NPCPAYMENT}{GOLD_ICON} should cover it. Can you advance me that? " />
text="{=BIXQz5yS}If that's your last 'last request,' I suppose I can. Here's {NPCPAYMENT}{GOLD_ICON}." />

embers 0004 2023 07 09 19.29.41

embers 0003 2023 07 09 19.30.36

embers 0002 2023 07 09 20.01.14

embers 0001 2023 07 09 19.46.48

embers 0000 2023 07 09 20.04.30

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