
Braggart - Former Vaegir Guard - Former Skolderbroda

This companion hails from Sturgia.

Companion Story

Breakskull was always strong, or so he says. He tends to disobey orders and fight on his own. He left the Vaegir guard after months of them not fighting and marching on end. Then he joined the Skolderbroda who critizized him for breaking rank.

In Summary

"Let me tell you friend, I'm hard. I've fought with the Skolderbroda, the Vaegirs, any mercenaries worth their salt, I've been with them. Others may tell you've they've done what I've done, but I'm the real thing."

Digging in the Files

 Source  Text
 wanderer_strings.XML   <!-- braggart backstory - found skolderbrotva too soft -->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=BuamWVTp}Yes.. My story... Jealousy, envy of my talents. That's always been my undoing." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=L14od7cC}When I was a boy, I was the best fighter in my village. 'You're stronger as a boy than a full-grown warrior,' people would say. I'm not boasting here - that's what they'd tell me. So when I came of age I went off to make my fortune." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=zb6VN6rr}Started in the Vaegir guard. I found that I was the only real warrior among them. They were all about marching here and there in their pretty uniforms, not pulling sword from scabbard for months on end. I told them what I thought, and my captain told me to keep my mouth shut or leave. So I left." />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=iAmsyL01}Then I joined the Skolderbroda. The 'Shield Brothers.' It's a good name, you know? They spent most of their time hunkering behind their shields. Ha! Me, I'd wade into the midst of the enemy, dealing out death right and left - and, well, all they had to say afterward was 'Why didn't you keep ranks?'" />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=4ee0aofe}Hmm... Strange response." />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=FNuxKNBi}Has no one told you that leaving a gap in a shield wall is as good as treason?" />
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=qbYupvSJ}So I'm having no more of that. I'm on the look-out for an outfit that employs real fighters." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_sturgia_1" text="{=gnLnZuAH}Let me tell you friend, I'm hard. I've fought with the Skolderbroda, the Vaegirs, any mercenaries worth their salt, I've been with them. Others may tell you've they've done what I've done, but I'm the real thing." />

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