
A Battanian Romantic - Former Imperial Highwayman

This companion hails from Battania. Blacktooth gives a short summary of his story: "It's a fine tale, full of adventure and romance, but tragic too."

Companion Story

Blacktooth once made a living in the Empire. He'd rob merchants, or in his words "ask them for change". But there was an imperial woman in those lands "beautiful as the moon and just as cold" she led to Blacktoohth's undoing. She was courted by some imperial prefect. (Prefect means a senior magistrate or governor in the ancient Roman world.) But Blacktooth thought he could do better than the imperial Governor. He brought her his findings, jewelry and the like; asking her to spend the evening with him.

She agreed eagerly enough, but too much wine later and Blacktooth awoke to find horses outside with the prefect and his men walking up to the house resulting in Blacktooth being taken away into town to be hung. Fortunately though however, Blacktooth's cousin Aed was in the guard and sprung him loose that night from the prison. Together he and Aed roamed the country becoming highway men. But one imperial magistrate chose not to part with his purse. Blacktooth took him down but not before Aed was killed.

So now here Blacktooth is. Drinking to his poor cousin's memory and looking for honest work; but it needn't be too honest. If the player ever comes across some contraband, Blacktooth says, he believes he can spot them a good price.

In Summary

"I was a robber on the highways, in the Empire, making a fine living from the merchants on the roads. But I loved a girl in town, and snuck in to visit her from time to time. Then I got caught, and had to reveal the hiding place all my hard-earned loot to the guards to escape the noose. So here I am now."


trait 0006 closefistedtrait 0002 devioustrait 0004 cruel

Cut Content and Dialogue

Blacktooth does not appear in the companion_strings.XML file unfortunately, so digging up cut content or dialogue is not possible. However his wandere_strings.XML file says he's quite talkative which would explain his unique charisma skill in-game.

of the hills


 blacktooth 1 0000 2023 04 25 16.04.32

blacktooth 1 0002 2023 04 25 16.06.02

blacktooth 1 0001 2023 04 25 16.03.19

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