the huntressthe Huntress

Former Brotherhood of the Woods

This companion hails from Vlandia

Companion Story

Family robbed of their land in Usanc by Vlandian nobles (probably Berican of dey Rothad), she and her cousin joined the Brotherhood of the Woods. They soon learned that the tales of honor and fighting for the poor were false. The Brotherhood were no better than the nobles who cast her family into poverty and upon speaking her mind they went to knife her only for her cousin to take the stabs. "the Huntress' now helps nobles hunt down the Brotherhood. She sees siding with the nobles as better since they at least pay her. Although she wishes for a better alternative. You could say she's open for hire.

In Summary

"My family were tenant farmers. But that life was rubbish, and our lord was rubbish too. So I fled to the woods, where there were rebels, called themselves the 'Brotherhood of the Woods.' Rubbish of the woods, more like it. Puffed-up bandits. So now I'm looking for a boss who's not rubbish. Does such a thing exist? I guess I'll find out."

Digging in the Files

Source Text
spspecialcharacters.XML <!--female. ex brother of the woods. Like any other group of bandits. -->
<NPCCharacter id="spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" name="{=zoaTZMm7}{FIRSTNAME} the Huntress" voice="ironic" age="26" is_female="true" default_group="Infantry" is_template="true" is_hero="false" culture="Culture.vlandia" occupation="Wanderer">
<face_key_template value="BodyProperty.townswoman_vlandia" />
<!--<Hero id="spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" faction="Kingdom.vlandia" />-->
<!--<Trait id="IsTemplate" value="1" />-->
<!--<Trait id="LordIsNemesis" value="1" />-->
<Trait id="CrossbowmanStyle" value="4" />
<Trait id="ScoutSkills" value="4" />
<Trait id="Valor" value="1" />
<Trait id="Calculating" value="1" />
wanderer_strings.XML <!-- female. ex brother of the woods. Like any other group of bandits. Lord as nemesis -->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=6KUJ7cYt}Sure, I'll tell you my tale. Don't expect a happy one." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=iPCX96mA}My father was a tenant farmer from near Usanc. By law, so long as he paid a third of his crop in tax, he couldn't be kicked off the land. But the landlord wanted to raise sheep, so he had a document forged that said my family moved here a generation ago and therefore wasn't covered by the law... It's a bit complicated, this part, but the end is that they cheated my family of its rights and we were cast into poverty." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=xB6zj8ei}I wasn't the type to take that meekly. My cousin, he'd lost his land too some years before, and he'd run off to join the Brotherhood of the Woods. People said that they stood up for the poor. Took money from those who did injustice, and gave it to those who were wronged. So I went to join them too." />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=3AbNYbOo}Maybe they were like that once, but they'd changed. They robbed, forced people to give them food, called poor farmers 'spies' and killed them just to strike fear in the others. So I said one day, 'You're all a bunch of common bandits.' They came to kill me, my cousin stood up for me, and they knifed him." />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=1paC3mV1}Yes. Too many men on both sides of the law prey on the weak." />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=VLIz9b7u}You thought there was such a thing as noble bandits? Perhaps you went in search of fairies next?" />
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=b2UpIO43}I left the woods, but I spent enough time with the bandits to learn a bit of woodcraft. Now I help lords hunt them. If I must choose between two evils, I will work for the one that pays better. But I also have an outstanding debt with the landlord. Perhaps some day I will be able to settle it." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_vlandia_7" text="{=WtNQGw3o}My family were tenant farmers. But that life was rubbish, and our lord was rubbish too. So I fled to the woods, where there were rebels, called themselves the 'Brotherhood of the Woods.' Rubbish of the woods, more like it. Puffed-up bandits. So now I'm looking for a boss who's not rubbish. Does such a thing exist? I guess I'll find out." />

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