the bravethe Brave

Honorable Bastard of Knight - Levy Who Fought To Let Others Flee

This companion hails from Vlandia

Companion Story

Born out of wedlock, 'the Brave' had no lands to inherit so he sees his life as a burden. You could say he's in-between jobs.

In Summary

"I am the son of a knight, but not a son born in wedlock. I was raised in my father's house, but when he was taken prisoner and ransomed, he had to sell much of what he owned, and therefore could no longer support me. I decided to set out to make my own name, if my family could not give me one. It is a common tale."

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Source Text
 spspecialcharacters.XML   <!-- bastard who went away to avoid complications for his family -->
<NPCCharacter id="spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" name="{=7lg12a57}{FIRSTNAME} the Brave" voice="earnest" age="21" default_group="Infantry" is_template="true" is_hero="false" culture="Culture.vlandia" occupation="Wanderer">
<face_key_template value="BodyProperty.fighter_vlandia" />
<!--<Hero id="spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" faction="Kingdom.vlandia" />-->
<!--<Trait id="IsTemplate" value="1" />-->
<Trait id="KnightFightingSkills" value="3" />
<Trait id="Commander" value="6" />
<Trait id="Valor" value="1" />
<Trait id="Honor" value="1" />
wanderer_strings.XML <!-- born out of wedlock -->
<string id="prebackstory.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=D7IINWEl}I can tell you my story, but I don't know how interesting you will find it." />
<string id="backstory_a.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=QlWhygXi}I was born out of wedlock. My father took me in, but of course there was no question of me inheriting anything. I did not wish to be a burden on my brothers, so I decided to go to war." />
<string id="backstory_b.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=2VTD9b4L}As it happened, my neighbors needed to supply an armed man for the king's levy. None of them wished to go, so I offered to stand in for them. They bought me a sword, jerkin and horse, and thus I became a warrior." />
<string id="backstory_c.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=8xrIamsU}My first foray into war, we were pursued by a force of imperial cavalry twice our number. One man was needed to stay behind and hold a ford, so that the rest could escape. The others had families, so I chose to be that one, as I could think of none who would mourn me. " />
<string id="response_1.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=faDAEda5}I commend your love for your fellow man." />
<string id="response_2.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=9YDjFZIU}Mmm... I do appreciate virtue, but villainy makes for a much spicier tale." />
<string id="backstory_d.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=4mgqRx6a}I fought as best I could, but the imperial forces took me prisoner. When they found that there was no one to ransom me, they let me go on my pledge that I would pay them later. It was a most noble gesture of them. So, I feel that I have no choice but to earn the money." />
<string id="generic_backstory.spc_wanderer_vlandia_2" text="{=qE4rBOI7}I am the son of a knight, but not a son born in wedlock. I was raised in my father's house, but when he was taken prisoner and ransomed, he had to sell much of what he owned, and therefore could no longer support me. I decided to set out to make my own name, if my family could not give me one. It is a common tale." />

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