
Killed Undul, Uncle of Temun - Saved Varra - Shieldmaiden, Honor Obsessed

Story of Character

This character is part of Sturgia, and is part of clan Kuloving. Her father was Olek the Old. She is mother to Apolanea, and a sister to Olek, and the late Varra.

Digging in the Files

 Source  Text
world_lore_strings.XML That Sturgian witch killed my uncle. Her younger sister had been given to him in marriage by the Sturgian king, but she betrayed him and sent word to Siga, and let her into his castle at night. He would never have been defeated by a woman, a Sturgian, or anyone else in fair combat. At any rate he was slain. The Sturgian king, who at least has some honor, sent us the sister's head. But Siga remains alive - for now. Some day I will honor my father's memory by cutting her throat at his gravesite.
lords.XML Siga, his sister, older shieldmaiden. Archetype of humorless, honor-obsessed
world_lore_strings.XML You may know that there is a matter between Raganvad and myself. Well, someone else will have to tell you about it. In my family, when there is a matter like this, we let our swords do the talking.
world_lore_strings.XML Ah, yes. Raganvad, the glorious king, gave my little sister Pira (Varra in the current release) to a Khuzait to seal an alliance. Well, my other sister - Siga - she wasn't having any of that. She rescued NAME, and left the Khuzait's castle in flames behind her. Well, Raganvad couldn't have that - he had my sister taken by surprise, and sent her head to the Khuzaits. This is not something that our family can forget.

<!--string id="LRS_lord_2_4_re_6_5" text="{=RkS0cwHl}Monchug, yes. I have made a vow about that Khuzait. When I have fulfilled that vow, you may ask the skalds to tell you the whole story. It will be a bloody tale.">

lord 2_4 is Siga

lord 6_5 is Tulag

It appears at one point Monchug and Tulag were switched. Tulag was the original Khan. Today it is Monchug.

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