
empire settlement sqaures 0002 town 3


Another Imperial Town whos History is Bloody and Treacherous - "Rotash", Formerly

Rhotae is a former Palaic hill-fort in the shadow of the basalt slab of Mount Erithrys, once known as Rotash. It fell to the Empire shortly afer Lageta. The Palaic chief here, when he heard of what happened to his neighbor, slaughtered a dozen imperial citizens under his protection. The eccentric long-haired general Sarapios led the punitive column that took Rotash and burned it to the ground. 'Lageta we took treacherously but with little bloodshed. Rotash we took honorably, with great bloodshed,' he supposedly said afterwards. 'Both will be remembered as a stain on our name. The victor always takes the blame, but keeps the gold.'

This settlement is part of the Western Empire. Owned by Imperial house, Lonalion.

Digging in the Files

Source(s) Text
settlements.XML <!-- The Rhotians, probably a tribe-->

rhotae 0002 2023 07 04 14.01.35

rhotae 0001 2023 07 04 14.04.59

rhotae 0000 2023 07 04 14.06.47

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