
Grand Prince of Sturgia - Harsh and Uncompromising

The current Grand Prince of Sturgia is Raganvad. Harsh and uncompromising, he believes that it is the right of the prince to command the boyars in all things, not just in making war. For the time being they obey him, not least for his ability to call on the kinsmen of his mother, a Nordic princess with ties to the fearsome Skolderbroda mercenary company.

Story of Character

This character is part of Sturgia, and is part of clan Gundaroving. Husband of Asta, Father of Simir, Mimir, and Valla.

Dev Diaries

As with other factions, we let history be our inspiration for Sturgia's politics. The chroniclers weren't shy about expressing their opinions about the different princes. Some rulers, like Vladimir the Great or Yaroslav the Wise, have come down to us as far-sighted rulers. Others, like Sviatopolk "the Accursed," accused of murdering his brothers, or Vseslav, the sorcerer-king of Pskov, were depicted as some of the more colourful tyrants in medieval Europe. Raganvad, the current Sturgian prince, is cut out of the latter mould: he knows how to punish but not how to reward, and he'll put to the test the old dictum that it is better to be feared than loved.


Digging in the Files



spclans.XML Raganvad, Ivan/Hardrada type, minimal sense of humor
 lords.XML  Ragenvad, Hardrada type

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