
Rebellious and Heterodoxical Town - "Jackal's Den" - Brotherhood of the Woods' Birth Place

settlements v 1 0002 layer 1 copy

Jaculan sits in the warmer southern reaches of the Biscan coast, in rolling hills known for their olive trees. It was once a favored resort of the imperial aristocracy, who hunted wild boars amid the oak forests. The independent peasantry of this region are known for their heterodox ideas. The Brotherhood of the Woods is but the latest of a series of rebellions to have broken out here, sometimes aided by an aristocracy that considers them a tool to use against rival Vlandian houses.

This settlement is part of Vlandia. Owned by Vlandian house, dey Arromanc.

It's villages are Arromanc, Mot, Alorstan, Chornad.

Digging in the Files

Source Text
settelments.XML <!-- House of Arromanc - Clan 3 old Jelkala and Charys, by the sea. 4_3, 4_8, 4_14 -->
<!-- From the pre-Calradic, jackal's den -->

 jaculan 0001 2023 06 11 12.53.22

jaculan 0000 2023 06 11 13.02.24

sargot 0000 2023 06 11 12.24.07

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